When it’s just you and God …

Barely a week into a new year and you probably know at least one person who has already failed at their resolutions for 2020.

A primary weakness in the makeup of many resolutions we set for a new year is they tend to be things we wish were reality rather than something we establish as objectives we are deeply committed to.

When it comes to achieving something in our lives, there’s a tough truth we have to face: Self-motivation is essential for personal productivity.

When first starting out in life, we have the push of parents, teachers, coaches, and others to help motivate us to learn and achieve certain experiences. But when you grow up, you have to learn how to motivate yourself through a variety of challenges and opportunities. If you only go as far as the encouragement from others in your life will carry you, plan on missing out on the best for your life.

Disciples of Christ have been equipped by God to push past fears and apply the discipline needed to achieve at the deepest levels possible for themselves. There will be times when you need to be productive but no one is standing on the sidelines cheering you on. In fact, there may be sources aggressively seeking to discourage you. The Apostle Paul provides us with insight and encouragement for such times:

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline,” 2 Timothy 1:7.

Some of the biggest moments in your life will come down to what you’re willing to do when it’s just you and God. God has equipped you for those moments. Now, what are you going to do with them?
