To make disciples, you may have to do this …

To describe Jesus as a “victim” would not be accurate.

But He was taken by a mob, falsely accused, judged by a man He had created, and then nailed to a cross by Roman soldiers. He would die on that cross.

But even Jesus disputes any victim status.

“The Father loves me because I sacrifice my life so I may take it back again. No one can take my life from me. I sacrifice it voluntarily. For I have the authority to lay it down when I want to and also to take it up again. For this is what my Father has commanded,” John 10:18.

You might say Jesus was a “willing victim.” He knew in order to accomplish the will of the Father, and the best for us, would require allowing Himself to be “victimized” by those He came to save.

The same is true for us, His disciples.

If we are to carry out the will of the Father, and to serve the best interests of others, we have to allow ourselves to be “victim” to their treatment in our efforts to reach them in Jesus’ name. You may not have to lay down your life, but you will have to pour it out.

Are you willing?
