That’s saying a lot …

A young man wrote this note to his girlfriend:

“Sweetheart, if this world was as hot as the Sahara Desert, I would crawl on my knees through the burning sand to come to you. If the world would be like the Atlantic Ocean, I would swim through shark-infested waters to come to you. I would fight the most fiercest dragon to be by your side. I will see you on Thursday if it doesn’t rain.”

We can be generous with our grandiose offerings, but when it comes down to the practical living out of the claims we make, our words often do not match our actions.

It should not be that way.

“Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions,” 1 John 3:18.

Do your actions prove your words? Or do your profess more than you demonstrate?
