How much influence do you need?

Most pastors I know have, at some time, dreamed of reaching thousands for Christ.

It’s a noble dream.

After all, as Christians, we want to see everyone — every nation, tribe, and tongue — come into a covenant relationship with Jesus Christ. As noble as that grand dream is, most of us will never become the great evangelist preaching to millions and seeing thousands walk an isle to demonstrate a life-changing decision.

Fortunately, you don’t have to be an Apostle Paul or Billy Graham to have a huge impact on many lives.

So just how much influence do you need?

Enough to (through Christ) change at least one life.

You may have heard the classic story about the faithful pastor who was told by his superior that something was wrong with his work. The supervisor told him, “Only one person has been added to your church this year, and he is only a boy.”

Later that day, while heavy in heart, the pastor was praying when someone walked up behind him. Turning around, he saw the same boy — his only convert that year.

The boy asked, “Pastor, do you think I could become a preacher or missionary some day?”

The pastor encouraged him to pray and seek God about his question. The boy was none other than Robert Moffat, who was destined to open Africa to the Gospel of Christ. Years later when Moffat spoke in London, a young doctor heard him say, “I have seen in the morning sun the smoke of a thousand villages where no missionary has ever been.”

The young doctor, deeply moved by Moffat’s message, was none other than David Linvingstone. In 1840, he sailed for Africa where he labored for Jesus for more than three decades.

All of this happened because a faithful pastor encouraged his “one convert.”

Most of us have the opportunity to influence and encourage more than one person in our lives. But if we are faithful to influence at least one, in a real way and for the glory of God, you never know just how great that influence will expand into the lives of others.

Instead of becoming distraught that you can’t fill stadiums to preach to, be faithful in touching the lives of those you can reach and trust God with the results.
