How to change someone’s life …

I hope the headline for this blog post captured your attention and genuinely interested you. Changing lives, whether yours or someone else’s, is utterly essential.

So how do you do it? How do you change someone’s life?

Introduce them to Jesus Christ.

That’s it?

Yes, that’s it.

You see, Jesus Christ is the Creator, everything was made by Him and for Him (Col. 1:15-16), and that “everything” includes you and me. He designed us for a purpose and it is only through Him that we can be whole and complete, that we can have life and life to its fullest (John 10:10). You might be able to moderate or even fix some of the circumstances you face in life, but in order to be transformed from someone who is spiritually dead to someone who has real life, you must surrender your entire life to Jesus.

And here’s the big deal: everyone has sinned, and that means we’re all spiritually dead. Every single one of us needs to be made alive, a whole new person, through Jesus Christ.

I share that because it’s understanding this basic truth of the human condition that has led to the design of services that make up the ministry of Scott Free Clinic. It is our view that science is a gift from God, and that includes psychology. There is much that a competent, Christian clinical counselor can do to help bring significant change to the lives of his or her clients. But if you don’t view your clients as being spiritual beings, and serve them from a holistic approach of mind, spirit, and body, you’ll largely minister more to symptoms than to root causes. You may assist some surface level changes, but you won’t see transformation that only Christ Himself can bring.

Therefore, part of our ministry is designed to consult with churches (click here to learn more about all of our services) to help them become disciple-making churches, and specifically to train disciples of Christ to be able to competently and confidently share the Gospel with non-believers.

We’re committed to helping Christians be able to share the Good News of Jesus so that lives can be fully transformed, fully changed through Christ, for the glory of God. Seeing lives changed is what is at the heart of this ministry, and by equipping believers to share the Gospel we can multiply the number of lives that will be transformed.

That doesn’t mean we don’t offer comprehensive counseling services. Quite the opposite, such clinical services are the most in-demand service we offer. We have churches full of Christians who are still hurting and need help. Those churches are in communities full of people who are lost, broken, hurting, and in need of help. We intend to offer that help both clinically and spiritually, and to help you be able to serve others who are broken and hurting and in need of help.

Do you know how to share the Gospel in a comprehensive, yet concise and effective way? If not, we can introduce you to highly effective training in personal evangelism. And as we move this ministry forward, we’ll invite you to let us know of your interest in being equipped personally, as well as opportunities to help your churches become disciple-making churches.

Together we can see many lives transformed as we partner together to introduce people to Jesus Christ! Pray with us as we move in that direction, there’s exciting life-changing times ahead!

Dr. James Scott, Jr.
Founder & President,
Scott Free Clinic