This can change your life by making you an effective disciple-maker …

If the focus of your disciple-making efforts is to try to get people to “come to church,” you’re trying to build church attendance, not make disciples.

If you really want to make disciples, then you need to be trained how to do that effectively, but most churches don’t do anything (literally) to equip believers in how to effectively share the Gospel with non-Christians.

Well, now you CAN be equipped!

I was equipped a few decades ago and it changed my life because it trained me to use an evangelistic tool that works. I’ve personally used it to lead hundreds of people to Christ, and I’ve trained other Christians and churches to use it, with very good success.

Pastors, churches, church planters, missionaries — people and churches around the world — have learned this and have led people to Christ very effectively for decades now. But you don’t have to be a “ministry professional” to take this training. I’ve seen soccer moms, plumbers, technology geeks, students, and all sorts of “regular folks” who love the Lord become equipped in using this evangelistic tool and in relational evangelism, and have watched them become highly effective ambassadors for Jesus Christ.

You can, too!

What I’m talking about is learning how to use a specific evangelistic tool that is the most effective tool for sharing the Gospel I have seen. It isn’t just the tool, but the overall relational evangelism approach used with the offering of this tool that has made it possible for the average Christian, or the full-time minister, to be far more effective in making disciples of Jesus Christ.

Now YOU can be equipped to become an ambassador for Christ and reach the people you know, the people around you, with the Good News of Jesus!

The evangelistic tool is called “It’s All About Relationship” (IAAR) and it is the central component of a new training course offered online by it’s originator, John Hendee, who serves as Chair of World Evangelism for Hope International University (HIU). The training is now available as an eight-week course offered ONLINE by HIU and can be taken for undergraduate or graduate credit, or can be audited. I am currently auditing the course and will tell you taking this course is the most effective way I have seen it taught.

The start date for the next offering of the course is January 5, 2015. With the fee for the class being $300, and the start date being so close to Christmas, your budget might be tight. So why not let family and friends know enrolling you in this course would be a GREAT Christmas gift?! Pastors, church leaders, church planters, I encourage you to ask your churches to support you by enrolling you in this course. In fact, I would strongly urge you to enroll a team of leaders from your church to go through this course together.

Time is getting short for enrollment. If you have any questions about the course and the significant benefit YOU can gain from it, you can contact directly the originator of the IAAR, who is also the course professor, John Hendee, at

I cannot tell you how strongly I believe this training could help you in becoming an effective disciple-maker. Isn’t it time we make “the main thing the main thing” and invest our time and resources into getting equipped to lead non-Christians to Jesus Christ? The single greatest difference you can make with your life is to introduce the lost to Jesus. If you’re not already personally highly effective at doing that, then please seriously consider making a commitment to taking this course so that you can become that ambassador through which God makes His appeal to others (2 Cor. 5:18-20).

Email John TODAY! Let’s get YOU signed up! Let’s make this happen!
