Effective disciple-making for the 21st century …

I have had the privilege for a while now to serve as a consultant to John Hendee, Chair of World Evangelism at Hope International University (HIU) in Fullerton, CA, regarding the work he is doing to equip Christians and churches in being effective disciple-makers from his base at HIU. I have personally used the model for disciple-making he teaches for about 30 years and know from first-hand experience how effective it is for individual Christians and for churches. John now equips people, churches, and organizations in this model through an online course offered by HIU. Below is the information from the university about the course. The next course begins on March 16, so let’s get you and a team from your church enrolled!

Christ was concise and clear in commissioning His church: “… Go and make
disciples of all the nations.”
At Hope International University (HIU), we
believe that an essential part of being a highly effective disciple-maker is
being well prepared to share one’s faith. One way to do this is our
online “Relational Evangelism” course offered through our School of
Advanced Leadership Training (SALT).
More than 35 years ago, John Hendee
developed a comprehensive model for equipping Christians in how to make new
disciples by being trained how to use “A Peace Treaty With God”.  He
developed this while serving as Minister of Evangelism at Central Christian
Church in Mesa, AZ. Since then many people who have been trained in the
use of this model have used it to lead thousands of people into a covenant
relationship with Jesus Christ among people of different cultures around the
Recently, this approach has been
revised, updated, and renamed as “It’s All About Relationship” (IAAR).
It is a powerful model for effective twenty-first century disciple-making/evangelism. The IAAR model employs a deceptively simple-looking (but
biblical!) process that has embedded within it a highly effective relational
approach for creating opportunities to share the Gospel one-on-one using a
comprehensive but concise and powerful tool to make new disciples.
Individuals and groups of any size may
take the course through HIU’s Open Class course format for only $50 per
person. This course can also be taken for credit at a cost of $300 (for
Bachelors or Masters level credit). Churches wanting to transition to being
a disciple-making church will find this course exactly what they need to train
an army of ambassadors for Christ to be effective in sharing the Gospel. 
John Hendee is also working on launching an ambassador’s support and coaching
network which course participants will be invited to be part of as a way to
help you be successful at applying your training once you leave the virtual
classroom. We want to see you succeed in reaching the lost in your own
communities for Jesus Christ! To sign up
for the course, contact Phil Towne at pbtowne@hiu.edu. If you have questions about this training
opportunity, contact John Hendee directly at john.hendee@cox.net.
If you have any questions about the course, we have available a more detailed document we would be happy to send you, and we would also welcome an opportunity to talk with you personally about it. Just email John Hendee at his email link provided above, or you can contact me at dr.scott@ScottFreeClinic.org. I want to encourage you in the strongest way I possibly can to get involved in this course, it can transform your personal effectiveness as an ambassador for Christian, and it can transition your church into being a disciple-making church.