Do we keep missing the best part of what Jesus said?

Have you ever messed up some really good advice, thinking you had listened to what was suggested?

There’s a story about a young man who called his mother and excitedly announced he had just met the woman of his dreams.

His mother said, “Why don’t you send her flowers and invite her to your apartment for a home-cooked meal?”

The day after the big date, his mother called to see how things had gone.

“Mom, the evening was a complete disaster,” he replied. “It was horrible!”

“Why, didn’t she come over?” his mother asked.

“Yes, she came over. But she refused to cook!”

Like a wise parent, Jesus had some great instruction for us, but there’s a passage of scripture in particular that I wonder if we keep missing the best or most important part of what He had to say. The passage is Matthew 11:28-30, which contains some beautiful, encouraging thoughts so many of us cling to …

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”

From that passage, we love that Jesus calls to the weary and burden-laden and offers true rest in Him. We’re comforted in knowing of His gentleness of heart, and that what He calls us to is not a heavy burden but something we can bear. But right in the middle of this rich passage of scripture, we seem to always miss something astounding, which is this: Jesus wants to teach us!

Read it again for yourself: “…Take my yoke upon you. LET ME TEACH YOU, because I am humble and gentle at heart …”

If you were a painter, imagine being invited by van Gogh, or Picasso, Rembrandt or Michaelangelo to take personal lessons from them. To have one of the great masters to be your personal teacher could change your life!

Well, imagine if the very one who created you offered to be your teacher for living life as a human being who has been adopted by God.

He has!

The One who made you, the One who died to save you, the One who conquered death for you, the One who is sovereign over all and knows all, extends a personal invitation to let Him be your teacher.

Jesus wants to teach YOU!

What do you think you could learn from Him?

Have you taken Jesus up on His offer?

How and what are you learning from Jesus?
