Training, Exercising and Maturing

Spiritual T.E.A.M.

Spiritual TEAM — Final 8.5x11As an ambassador for Jesus Christ, once you’ve made a new disciple what do you do with them? You “disciple” them by helping them become established in their faith and grow in spiritual maturity so that they become more and more like Jesus.

To help you with this, we are providing you with a FREE DOWNLOAD of “Discipling Christians Using the Spiritual T.E.AM.,” which is challenging, effective, and fun discipleship material featuring a 13-week Rookie Season with an optional 13-week Veteran Season. These workbooks are designed to be used in small groups of two to six (ideally, larger groups can work also) to help provide spiritual “TEAM” or Training, Exercising and Maturing. The workbook comes with a complete set of instructions for how to use the material in a Spiritual T.E.A.M. team. If you have any questions or need assistance with how to develop a Spiritual T.E.A.M. discipling team, contact Dr. Scott at

Click here for your FREE DOWNLOAD