What big, burly football players can teach the church …

Football players are warriors!

Football players are tough, powerful men!

And some of them model compassion and love greater than what we see coming from some churches …

Take a moment and watch the video below, it will touch you deeply …

Jack Hoffman is a seven-year-old boy battling brain cancer. The Huskers brought him onto the field in full uniform and gave him the great opportunity to run 69 yards to score a touchdown while the 60,174 fans at Memorial Stadium cheered him on.

That’s how we need to cheer each other on!

With great compassion and caring for one another, so much that we demonstrate it with kindness, generosity, and copious expressions of love. Here’s how Jesus said we should do it:

“So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other,” John 13:34.

Jack’s response? “It felt awesome!”

Go be awesome to someone, in Jesus’ name.
