Freedom isn’t free …

Newman Howard Smith used to tell of a remark made by Winston Churchill the day the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor.

After the fall of France to the Nazis in May, 1940, until December, 1941, Great Britain fought the war against Germany alone. President Roosevelt did what he could to help the British, but too many voices in America called on him to keep out of “another of Europe’s wars.”

In London, when Churchill received the news of the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, he knew exactly how the United States would respond. He is said to have uttered, “So … we have won!”

In comparison, Pastor Davon Huss once commented, “I can imagine when the Lord Jesus went to the cross and His disciples scattered, when the nails were driven in and the forces of hell were cackling with glee, when the Savior breathed His last and it looked like all His work had come to naught, an angel in heaven turned to another and said, ‘So … we have won!'”

Freedom isn’t free.

It has costs the lives of our nation’s finest to defend freedom for people here and abroad. And it has cost the blood of our Savior, who gave His life so that whether free or oppressed, we could know the truest freedom.

“So if the Son sets your free, you are truly free,” John 8:36.

On this Veteran’s Day, may we remember the men and women who have served in our nation’s armed forces to keep people free. And may we remember every day the sacrifice Jesus Christ has made to free all humankind of the worst of all oppression, that of sin.
