A diamond from Dino …

How best to begin a Sunday morning than quiet time over a mocha at Starbucks.

Mmmmmm … mocha!

Anyway, I’m deep into penning something not so earth-shattering in my journal when the background music pierces through and I really hear the words … Dean Martin singing, “… find somebody to love …”

What a powerful Sunday morning message … and from Dean, of all people!

Those words struck me as the basis for intentional Christianity … you know, living out our Christian walk “on purpose.”

So often, we approach Christianity very unintentionally. We show up at work knowing we should be a light to a lost world because the preacher reminded us of that just yesterday. So, if I get a chance today, I should be a witness for Christ. It’s break time, and the water cooler is a real white-knuckle moment because chatting might lead to an opening to share something “Christian.” When it doesn’t we nearly (if not literally) breathe a sigh of relief and hustle back to the safety of our cubicle. Dodged another bullet!

Hmmm, we’ll never impact anyone, much less the world, trying to live out our Christian life like that. Instead, we’re called to be like Jesus Christ, who was very intentional about diving into the lives and needs of others. You might say Jesus was always looking for “somebody to love” and He did so on purpose. He didn’t wait for the lost, hurting, needy, dying world to come to Him, He went to them. Jesus sought us out on purpose.

How much more could you and I impact the kingdom of God if we did the same?

Tomorrow is a new day, a new week. Let’s go “find somebody to love.”
