Life. Via. The Spirit …

Starbucks has done it again.

Last month the coffee giant launched a new product that has received rave reviews … and demands! … from its loyal customers.

The newest thing from Starbucks is Via, a small packet of instant coffee the company claims tastes as good as brewed coffee. Throughout October, local Starbucks stores lured customers into trying the new product by conducting taste tests in its stores. Customers would taste Via and a brewed coffee, not knowing which was which. Many couldn’t tell the difference, leading to … chaching$! lots of sales! So much so there has been a demand for decaffeinated Via, which will be coming out soon in response to customers asking for it.

The marketing behind Via paints the picture of never being in a situation where you are without coffee. In a classroom, a boardroom, at home, in the car or on a plane. Just throw some packets of Via in a purse or brief case, or stick them in your pockets, and you’re a minute away from coffee whenever you “need” it.

Great marketing for those who really rely on their coffee!

Via is a way to be filled with coffee!

In New Testament times, there was a problem with some Christians wanting to be filled with another beverage … wine. Leading to drunkenness. Not a good thing for a Christian. So here’s how the apostle Paul responds to the situation when writing to the Ephesians (5:18), “Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit.”

Throughout the ages, human beings have looked outside themselves for a source of energy and motivation. Some sought wine, others coffee, and others a host of other options.

But why not the Holy Spirit?

When we are buried with Christ and raised to walk in a new life, we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. In reality, God moves in! What greater source of energy or motivation could there be than to be “powered by God”?

Relax, I’m not saying give up your coffee.

I am suggesting you take up a greater, deeper, more intimate relationship with God the Holy Spirit who now resides in you. The single greatest source for succeeding in living life pleasing to God and fulfilling to yourself is immediately available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for your entire life.

No pockets required.

The next time you sit down with a cup of coffee, tap into the Spirit …
