“Daddy, can I have a dollar?” …

In my family, there were eight … yes, eight … children. That meant we were poor! That also meant we never received an allowance from our parents.

That didn’t mean we didn’t receive money for things we needed or sometimes for wants. But with eight children, the cost of caring for them is high enough, much less doling out spending money.

An allowance from a parent is an interesting thing. When a child receives an allowance, they are very aware of where their provision comes from. But watch that same child as they grow. When they get into their teen years and begin to take on jobs to earn their “own” money, they use those resources as part of a growing independence from their providing parents. As they mature, the more resources they gain, the more they become independent of their parents, and look to themselves for their own provision (these days, that’s theoretically speaking!).

I think this behavior is reflected somewhat in our spiritual lives.

God is the ultimate provider of all things for us. James 1:17 says, “Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.”

Everything that is good and of real value in our lives comes to us from God. But so often, we look to ourselves for provision … until we find ourselves in real need.

But imagine for a moment what life would be like if God cared for us via a weekly allowance. Imagine if, once each week, you had to physically appear before God, at which time He would give you a weekly allowance for the following four things: wisdom, love, talent, and money. With that allowance, you were to make good decisions on how to use what was given to you to get through the week, until you again came before God for your next allowance payout.

If we had to do that, do you think we would be more mindful of where our blessings really originate from? Do you think perhaps we would be better stewards of what God blesses us with? Would you make better decisions? Would you spend each dollar differently? Would you love more lavishly?

God gives you today what you need today. He’s a loving parent who will always be there to make sure you have what you need when you need it. Use what is given to you wisely, and be grateful for your allowance.
