Tuning in and being thankful …

Television changed recently.

No longer can you get free television by having a cheap antenna mounted to the roof of your house. Now you have to have a means of receiving digital television.

When I was a kid, “rabbit ears” were central to getting good television reception. But rabbit ears could be tricky. You often had to move the “ears” to just the right spot atop your television set, and play with telescoping the rabbit ears up and down (as well as horizontally and vertically) before you found a clear picture. Some people even resorted to wrapping aluminum foil around the rabbit ears in an effort to enhance reception.

It sounds silly, but you really didn’t get a clear picture without those rabbit ears.

I think thanksgiving is like those rabbit ears. It really isn’t until we look closely at the love and sacrifice given by Jesus Christ for us, and respond with a natural outpouring of thanksgiving, that we really see our Savior clearly.

When we look honestly at the mercy, grace, love, salvation, and the personal relationship lavished upon us by Jesus Christ, we cannot contain ourselves. We’re moved to the deepest depths of gratitude. And the giving of thanks flows from us as a natural part of worship.

That’s because when you have a clear picture of what Jesus Christ has done for you, you simply cannot not be thankful.

Psalm 100:4-5 encourages us to:

“4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving;
go into his courts with praise.
Give thanks to him and praise his name.

5 For the Lord is good.
His unfailing love continues forever,
and his faithfulness continues to each generation.”

When we see His goodness, experience His love and faithfulness, it’s like finding that sweet spot with the rabbit ears … things become clear, and we become thankful!

May God bless your Thanksgiving Day with crystal clear reception!
