The BIG Christmas …

Every year at Christmas, my mother performed a miracle.

Some way, some how, she managed to make Christmas almost a “magical” experience for all eight — yes, eight! — of her children. I have never figured out how she did it. She must have started saving and shopping on December 26.

Being people of very meager means, our Christmases weren’t extravagant. Yet, every Christmas always turned out to be more than we kids expected. Every year, we thought we would be lucky to get a toy each, yet my mother always surpassed that. We each usually got a gift of significance to us, and then a few other simpler items, so we were always surprised and humbled that it was more than we could have hoped for.

Even though Mom always worked her holiday magic, there was one Christmas that really stood out. That was the “BIG” Christmas.

As was our tradition, all of us kids were awake early and by 3 a.m. we were begging our parents to let us get up to open our presents. With permission given, we stampeded down the hallway into the living room. And there by the Christmas tree was my very first bicycle!

I could not believe it! My youngest sister also had a bicycle there … but there was a brand new bike for me?!


It wasn’t just any bike, mind you. It was a “cool” bike. It was maroon with a black “banana” seat with two “racing” stripes and a very long chrome bar on the back. From the moment I first sat on it, I couldn’t wait to get it outside and start cruising the neighborhood. Unfortunately, I had to wait patiently to experience the Christmas morning with my family. When, finally, all the gifts were open and everyone except for my mother and I had returned to their beds for a little more sleep, I was finally given permission to take my new bike out for it’s maiden voyage.

That was a BIG Christmas. My mother had really outdone herself!

As I think of how my mother took care of us every day, and yet still gave something extra special, it makes me think of my heavenly Father.

Throughout history, God has been the greatest giver. He has cared for and supplied all our needs. Yet there was a time when God went “BIG.” It was that very first Christmas, when God gave Himself to humanity. God wanted each of us to have Him!

On that very first Christmas, God gave us a Savior. Now that is going big! At that first Christmas, God exceeded everything He had given us before by offering Himself as a Savior to the world. That’s greater than giving us our daily bread, protecting us from enemies, or just putting up with our selfishness.

God came to be a sacrifice on behalf of sinful humanity. The holy for the sinful. There is no bigger giving than that!

The biggest thing we could ever give is to give back to God the life He has given each of us. Now that would be really going big for Christmas!
