Does your source of truth matter?

If you’re active in the world of social media, or still buy wall calendars, you’ll find on any given day that you’ll be blitzed with platitudes providing some statement of “truth” or insight.

On both Twitter and Facebook, I noted comments from more than one person that ” … truth is truth regardless of the source.”

It is true that “truth is truth.” No matter how you may want to twist or tweak truth, it simply doesn’t change for anyone.

But I think it does matter where you turn to for your source(s) of truth.

Some tend to think that quotes from Buddha, the Dalai Lama, Oprah Winfrey, and a host of others as a source of truth is fine. I think there’s an inherent danger in looking to sources other than Jesus Christ for truth.

Part of that danger is, when we see persons who teach contrary to the Word of God as sources of truth, we allow them to become sources of truth for us. The more we de-sensitize ourselves to their false teachings by recognizing they occasionally throw out kernels of truth, we make ourselves vulnerable to the falsehoods they more commonly provide.

One of the outcomes of accepting any source for avenues of truth is the fact that many who claim to be Christians, and millions around the globe, have reached the conclusion that all religions are a means to the same end, or the same God.

Nothing could be farther from the truth!

Jesus Christ clarified this for us with His own words: “Jesus told him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me’,” (John 14:6).

If you like a quote from a known non-Christian personality, does that make you a heretic? Of course not. My point is simply to highlight the potential danger of de-sensitizing ourselves to the false teachings of some by crediting them as a source of occasional truth rather than seeing the bulk of their teaching stands in direct contradiction to the Bible.

While any human being may occasionally utter a statement of truth, Jesus Christ actually is truth. All we believe as truth, and use as truth in our lives, needs to ultimately flow from Him or be in harmony with what He has revealed to us.
