A new frontier for failed ethics? …

What would you think about a local pastor who goes into a Best Buy store, stuffs his pants and coat pockets with electronics-related material, and then tries to walk out the store without paying for anything?

You’d probably think he was a thief.

Then what do you think about church leaders who loudly proclaim on social media their theft or ethical lapses in the use of technology by jailbreaking cell phones, using software not licensed to them, and seeking out pirated media?

Personally, I’ve been saddened and frustrated by the overt public bravado of several church leaders who tweet on Twitter and post to Facebook about their latest grabs in technology.

One well-known pastor of a megachurch tweeted about how he was about to jailbreak a cell phone. What kind of ethical standard does that set?

Why does it seem to so many Christians that when it comes to the use of technology, basic morality and ethics don’t apply? Why is theft online thought to be acceptable when theft at a store is not? Why is passing around software instead of purchasing it is considered to be acceptable when used for ministry when several churches copyright some of their own materials?

Let me suggest that we Christians rethink how we approach our use of technology from a biblical, moral, and ethical light. All that we do, in any arena of life, should bring glory and honor to Jesus Christ.

If Christ were walking the earth today, I don’t think He would ever tweet with delight about how He was jailbreaking His phone!

We need to raise the bar, live to a higher standard … that of following in the footsteps of Christ and becoming more and more like Him.
