WOMEN: If you miss this, you’re blind … GUYS: Get a clue!

Let’s jump into two of the most commonly complained about issues regarding men by women, and about women by men …

WOMEN ABOUT MEN: He never shows his emotions …

Ladies, if you believe that, you must be blind! The stereotype of men not expressing themselves emotionally is one of the least accurate statements about men ever made.

Women who believe this myth usually are struggling with the “can’t-see-the-forest-for-the-trees” syndrome. That is, men so often express their emotions women often don’t see them amid their volume.

Oh, and also because men express their emotions very differently than the way women do.

Women talk about what they’re feeling. A lot. Sometimes, a whole lot. Men have bursts of emotion, which means they don’t always express emotions just by talking. Men routinely show their emotion by expressing their passion through action.

Yes, believe it or not, men often tend to be far more passionate than women!

Have you read the stories of men who fought in battles so gallantly they did the impossible to defeat the enemy? So they could save their friends, or family, or village … the people and places for which they felt passionately.

Have you known the great businessman who built an empire? To shower provision onto his family, help friends, contribute to his community … people and places he feels passionately about.

Have you heard of the stories of the firemen who run into the burning building to save the people trapped inside? The policemen who face the drug dealers who are better armed than they are? The roughneck working on an oil rig — a physically demanding, dangerous job — to build a better life for his wife and children? These are all men who feel deeply and passionately. What do they do with those emotions? They act on them. They sometimes talk about them, but men tend to act on their passions rather than talk about them.

Ladies, before you think men are void of feelings, go beyond listening to what they say to include seeing what they do. Otherwise, you’ll miss much of what they’re communicating in their own way …

MEN ABOUT WOMEN: She always wants to talk …

Listen Bubba, in really great relationships couples can often experience a connectedness where simply being near each other brings a peaceful, fulfilling feeling. But just your presence isn’t enough for the long haul.

Men are more utilitarian with conversation: conversing with others more often has a specific purpose in order to achieve something in particular. Women more often use conversation as a primary means of both building and maintaining relationships. For women, a lack of conversation is seen as a lack of action. That’s because for women, often the simple act of “sharing” emotions through conversation is what they use conversation to achieve!

Guys, you don’t always have to achieve an “action” in order to converse with women. Simply sharing what you’re feeling is the achievement many women are longing for from you! And if you think about it, that’s often far easier to do than achieving some grand act, especially one she’s not even asking for!
