You might want to add this to your bucket list …

What’s on your bucket list?

You know, that list you have either in the back of your mind or actually written on paper, delineating the things you absolutely, positively want to do before you die.

Everyone has one. Even if it’s one simple thing, there’s something each of us think, “If I could just do that before I die, I would be satisfied.”

For some, it’s a list of grand and exotic adventures … climb the highest mountain, pierce the skies into outer orbit, write the great American novel, make a million dollars, win the Iron Man, or travel the world.

For others, it may be a list of more practical things … find a “soul mate,” get your kids through college, or pay off the mortgage.

It’s not hard coming up with things we want to accomplish. The tough part is paring down the list!

Add to that God’s bucket list for you.


Yep, God wants to add to your list. He has some things that He would like for us to accomplish before we die.

Have you ever thought about what’s on God’s bucket list for your life?

Some things on His list for us are easier to know than others. At the top would be for each of us to have a saving, loving relationship with Him through Jesus Christ. That’s the one thing He wants for every one of us.

What else could possibly be on the list? Using the gifts He’s given us in service to Him and others would likely be on there, He would want us to do that while we’re still around.

How about obeying Him? Actually doing what He has instructed might be something He would like to see from us while we’re still alive and kicking.

Maturing into the likeness of His Son would likely be on the list, since that’s His goal for our earthly existence. Yes, He really would like to see us grow up in Christ.

I would think He would also like to see us learn contentment, experience His peace, and be filled with His joy. Those are all things He continuously urges us toward. They’re likely on His bucket list for us as well.

And, if I were a betting man, I would go “all in” and venture that God would like us to introduce at least one person to Jesus Christ before we die. At least one. Surely, this is on His bucket list for us, isn’t it?

Well if God really does have a bucket list for us (we might refer to it as His will for us), have you incorporated the contents of His list with the items on your list? Are they important to you? Have they become some of the things you’re striving to accomplish before you die?

Or are you pursuing your own agenda?
