How to achieve to your limitations … or surpass them …

You want to accomplish something with your life. You want to make wise decisions that lead to positive results. You want to use your resources efficiently and effectively. You want to live fully and contribute as much as possible.

All good desires!

So you assemble a team of counselors to provide you with expert insight. You share your goals with your team of advisors and make sure they adopt the exact same vision. You describe exactly how you want to accomplish your objectives, and make sure your team is on board with your methodology. You describe your strategy and make sure all your team members think exactly the same way.

Congratulations! You just wasted the time and efforts of your team!

If all you want are people around you who see, think, and act exactly as you do, you don’t need them as counselors! You’ve already made up your mind what your objectives will be, how you will think about them, and what you will and won’t do to achieve them. You don’t need a circle of Mini-Me’s to go forward.

However, if you want to be stretched and challenged — possibly beyond what you have dreamed by yourself — you could build around you a circle of counsel that is purposely different from you. People who may have a capacity to see what you don’t. People who think differently to add to, or round out, something you may never think of. People who approach things with styles or strategies other than your own. People with gifts, talents, skills, and experience you don’t have.

Now you have a team of counselors who may actually be able to offer you something of value: a different (sometimes enlightened) point of view.
