I do … for now …

Want to give marriage a test run? You might want to go to Mexico City, where the idea of issuing marriage licenses for a two-year hitch is being considered.

Instead of a no-fault divorce, the marriage license expires two years after being issued. The license can be renewed or, if the couple decides they’ve had enough of each other, they can just go their own ways and the marriage expires.

Can there be a more blatant example of an uncommitted relationship?


Think for a moment at the various and sundry relationships in your life …

… no, really, pause and run them through your mind …

… now, how many of them are you truly committed to? How many of the people in your life know that you love them unconditionally, and regardless of what comes their way you will really be there for them? Not in theory, but in fact. The in-the-middle-of-the-night-you-can-call-on-me kind of commitment? The, “I will stand by you with all I am and have,” kind of commitment?

Now … who are the rest of the people who don’t make that cut in your life? What kind of commitment do you have for them?

There’s not a human being Christ didn’t have that kind of commitment for. He died not just for the best of us, but for the worst of us as well. There was no one Christ considered to be unworthy of His commitment, all they need to do is respond to His invitation to relationship.

How do you determine who’s worthy of your commitment?
