Here’s one way you might find some money …

I once found a $20 dollar bill in the pocket of my coat. Nice surprise!

Finding money can be fun, especially if you use it to bless others.

Years ago, I wanted to expand the giving I was already doing so I could support additional ministry efforts.

Where could I find the additional money to give?

Not in my pockets.

Not under the cushions of the couch.

Not in the consoles of the car.

But I did find some in the current bills I was paying.

I took time to check out rates for the types of insurances I was paying for, and for the services I spent money on, such as phones, cable, internet service, etc.

Often, we choose a service provider for various services, and stay with them for years. But during that time, other providers may come along who offer the same services at lower costs.

That’s what I discovered when I compared rates. I was able to make some changes and gain almost a $100 per month in fee reductions. That was $100 per month in my pocket that I could forward on to the additional kingdom work I wanted to support.

Being the best stewards of our dollars means managing our spending. Doing that means occasionally checking to make sure we’re getting the best deal, or to see if rates have changed for the goods and services we spend our money on. Sometimes you can find savings that you could use to bless others with.

When was the last time you made sure you were getting the best deals for the best stewardship of your money?
