Lights! Camera! …

You can often pick out the couple who had the big fight on the way to church.

Their smiles and greetings are forced. You can see the seething beneath the surface as they pretend to be kind, gentle people.

They’re acting.

Lots of people do that when there are others around to see how they really behave when others usually aren’t around.

Imagine what life would be like if cameras were installed throughout your home, your automobiles, and your place of work. Imagine if your life was a reality show, where many people observed every act, every behavior of yours. Every moment of every day.

How would that impact you?

Perhaps for a while, you actually would be a little kinder and gentler. But if actual reality shows like the Kardashians, the real housewives, or the Jersey Shore crew teach us anything, we tend to tune out others — or cameras — and live as poorly as we would if we were secluded.

Most of us would never expose our “real lives” to be captured on camera. But — yes, you probably saw this point coming — God sees it all anyway. God never misses a “private moment.” He knows our every thought, every emotion, every action, every desire. He knows our mind and our heart. Everything about us is exposed to Him.

How does that impact you?

Or does it?

It’s kind of a clobbering intellectual thought … but is it more than that to you?

Should it be?

Better yet … shouldn’t it be?
