Making time for friendship …

“When things get tough, you find out who your real friends are,” is a well-known saying generally accepted as true.

But it’s only partly true.

It is true that during tough times, those who really aren’t friends seem to disappear quickly.

But some don’t.

Some like the role of Rescuer and Hero and Lecturer, and will stick around to take the spotlight.

Friendship and loyalty aren’t tested just in tough times; they are very much demonstrated in ordinary times.

Friendship isn’t something to be shared and cherished only in difficult moments, but something to be enjoyed in all aspects of life. If you’re not living out your friendship in ordinary life, it probably is more an acquaintance than a friendship.

Friends create time for each other in spite of overloaded schedules. Friends inconvenience themselves for each other in order to be with each other. Friends interact with each other beyond handshakes and updates at church. Real friends share lives.

Are you making time for friendship? Are you purposely building relationships? Or is your contacts list full of acquaintances?
