The language of the love-struck …

Ever have a conversation with a love-struck friend?

They ramble on incessantly about the one they love! For the next hour, you do your best to show you’re listening to all the talk about how wonderful he or she is.

Have you ever noticed, in all the words that pour forth from your friend, most are about how great, wonderful, and fantastic the object of their love is? Little is said about what their loved one does for them, compared to their talk about the greatness of who that person is.

Yet, have you noticed we don’t talk about God that way very often?

Much of our conversation about God has to do with our expectations of what He will do for us, or what we hope He will do. We talk about waiting on the Lord, trusting Him to provide, looking to Him for deliverance from this or that. But we spend little time simply sharing how awesome He is.

We speak of Him more as a supply chain than the greatest love of our lives. Yet, Jesus taught us this:

“Jesus replied, ‘You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment,'” Matthew 22:37-38.

In that case, maybe we should focus more on the Person of Christ than simply on what He can produce. That, in no way, is to minimize what Christ accomplished for us on the cross. It is learning to love God for who He is, rather than conditionally on what He does for us.

That kind of love is resolute regardless of how or what God provides, where He leads, or how He may discipline us.

It’s all about Him.
