Chill out …

Today is a warm, sunny summer day.

It’s a beautiful day.

Have one!

I’ve always found it interesting how some boast they rarely take a vacation. Some wake up tweeting about business, greatness, politics, and “crushing it!” Some are constantly running and desperately depend on their smartphone and tablet to inform them where and why.

Some people just need to have a beautiful day.

Sometimes we need to put down our phones, cancel an appointment or three, turn off the computer, TV and other assorted electronic devices, and go outside. Sleep an hour later. Get some exercise. Have another cup of coffee while reading a good book. Talk to a friend. Go for a walk or run. Breathe a little deeper and a little slower.

For a day. At least, for an hour.

Sometimes we need to simply enjoy the beauty of what God has put into a single day. After all, why do you think He put it there?
