Is it a dream, or a pipe dream?

That massive idea that keeps you up at night … is it a dream, or a pipe dream?

How do you know if the dream that is stirring you deeply is the right pursuit for you?

I’ve been asked that question a multitude of times in my career. My response has often been the same, but I love the way I heard pastor and entrepreneur, Erwin McManus, talk about it recently. McManus says that dream where you will be happy only at the end of the dream is not the dream to pursue. It’s the dream with which you can enjoy the journey — including the tough times, big challenges, and multiple hurtles — that is the dream to pursue.

And that is why many people give up on their dreams.

They want to go from A to Z, and skip all the trials inbetween.

They want to jump over the journey for the reward.

Achieving dreams doesn’t work that way.
