Blasting away that spiritual flabbiness …

It might be easier to get someone to go see their dentist than it is to get them to hire a Personal Trainer. After all, the screech of the dentist’s drill is done in about an hour visit, but the pain of a Personal Trainer lasts for months!

That’s partly why fitness “boot camps” have become a popular “get fit” option with some people. Boot camps are intense, but for a shorter duration, and you can coerce your friends to come sweat and suffer with you. Boot camps get you to an achieved goal quickly, and some think with a little more fun.

Why not bring the boot camp concept into the church?

It’s painfully apparent many Christians today are significantly out of shape spiritually, but getting them into a small group or Sunday School class that doesn’t end hasn’t worked or isn’t yielding good results. So why not target key topics, with clearly identified objectives and outcomes, and offer training in a boot camp style?

The training will be more intense, the meetings will last longer, homework will be required, and you can’t miss a meeting. But you can bring friends, study together, and you know what you’ll learn by the end of the boot camp. And yes, there is an end date!

If the traditional methods of biblically training your members hasn’t had widespread success, maybe it’s time to try a boot camp (or similar) concept to boost the spiritual equipping and maturing of your congregation.
