Use your imagination …

Growing up in a poor family, one of the things that brought about a richness to my childhood was a vivid imagination. What you couldn’t do for lack of resources you could, at least, imagine!

Summers could become transformed into great adventures by reading “Robinson Crusoe,” “The Swiss Family Robinson,” or any number of sci-fi books. A host of never-played-before games were tried. Life — at least temporarily — was altered, stretched, shaped and re-shaped by using just a little imagination.

But imagination isn’t always fun and games. Imagination is not always wholesome. In fact, imagination can be a breeding ground for sin …

“The Lord observed the extent of human wickedness on the earth, and he saw that everything they thought or imagined was consistently and totally evil. So the Lord was sorry he had ever made them and put them on the earth. It broke his heart,” Genesis 6:5-6.

Our imaginations need biblical direction. Without it, they are guided by human intrigue and desire, which usually wanders away from God’s will and God’s ways.

What are you doing with your imagination? What foundation are you anchoring it to?
