CPR and an AED can’t do this …

When I was actively training people in a gym as a certified Personal trainer, I had to renew my CPR/AED certification every two years.

CPR/AED training is one part of my education I hope I never have to use.

I wouldn’t hesitate in helping someone with a medical emergency, my concern is making sure I remember how to apply assistance correctly so as to be able to help someone. Would I apply the compressions correctly? Not too hard to try to avoid breaking ribs; hard enough and fast enough to keep the blood flowing. Now that’s 30 compressions followed by two breaths …

And using an AED? That would be a shocking experience for more than the patient!

I’ve never had to use these critical skills, which is why I hope I don’t come across a situation where I have to.

I have, however, spent much of my adult life studying and training to help others in critical need. Their problem isn’t a medical emergency, but a spiritual one. I’ve never come across someone experiencing a heart attack or cardiac arrest in public, but we are all continuously crossing paths with people who are already spiritually dead.

There’s a treatment for that.

You can learn and apply it.

It’s called the Good News of Jesus Christ.

That’s right, by applying this treatment, the spiritually dead can have life. Not the old life that led them to their condition, but a whole new life created in Christ.

But these spiritually dead people need someone to see their condition and apply the treatment.

Surely you wouldn’t walk by someone having a heart attack in public … right?

Surely you wouldn’t walk by someone dead in their sins … right?

Get equipped. Learn how to concisely and clearly share the Gospel with another person. Then apply to lives in need. It’ll make more difference than a CPR course would ever make to you and those you serve.

“But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, ‘How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good
Romans 10:14-15.
