Are you ready for the wrecking ball?

A story is told about a successful businessman in London who had a warehouse he wanted to sell. The building had been empty for several months and was in dire need of significant repair. Vandals had damaged the doors, smashed the windows, and trashed the interior.

One day, as the businessman showed the property to a prospective buyer, he tried to paint greater potential for the place. He offered to replace the broken windows and bring in a crew to fix any structural damage and clean out the garbage.

“Forget about the repairs,” the buyer said. “When I buy this place, I am going to build something completely different. I don’t want this building, I want the site.”

In the same manner, we sometimes wonder if who we are is good enough to bring to Jesus Christ. We may make promises to clean ourselves up and get ourselves in condition to come before the Lord. But Christ’s concern isn’t about who we’ve become thus far. When He purchased us with His blood, it was with the intent of building something new!

“This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” 2 Corinthians 5:17.

Have you allowed Jesus to renovate your life with a whole new construction? Or are you still hanging on to a broken life? What more could Christ do in you if you embraced His will for you?
