One-stop shopping …

It almost seems as if everything you could possibly need you can get at the local gas station.

Today’s modern fuel stops come paired with a convenience mart to meet your every need.

At the corner gas station, you can buy a basic supply of groceries. Most toiletries are available. Have some addictions you want to feed? You can pick up cigarettes or coffee or chocolate, and don’t forget your lottery ticket. Fresh donuts are delivered every morning. Want a print newspaper? You can get that, or one of several magazines might interest you. Need batteries? Bottled water? Ice? Firewood? A quart of oil? Paper clips? A new pair of sunglasses? Over-the-counter medication? They’re all available at the gas station.

Even ready-to-eat foods, from breakfast burritos to hot dogs, pizza, and chicken wings, are piping hot and ready for your selection. You can even upgrade a common cup of coffee for a latte and grab hot chocolate for the kids. Yes, all at the gas station.

And, if needed, you can even fill up your vehicle’s gas tank with gas.

In the same way we expect so much from a corner gas station beyond it’s primary function, the same is true for the church today.

Church can be used to provide an array of social groups and social outings. Want to take up a cause? The church has plenty to choose from. Need a place to get married? Call the church. Need to rent a room for a meeting? The church has several rooms to choose from. Ready to give up that addiction? The local anonymous group meets every week at the church. Looking for a free concert? Family skate night? Holiday block party? Financial seminar? Local Boy or Girl Scout troop meeting? The church hosts all of these.

Need a reliable preschool? Ready to move your kids out of public school? The church will educate your kids. Want that quarterly parents night out? The church sponsors that. How about the challenge of a 5k run? The church sponsors their own. Want to join a softball team, bowling league, or quilting circle? Yep, the church has those, too.

And, if needed, you can even hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ and be set free from your sins forever.

Well, some churches still offer that.
