Got a minute?

It was 11 a.m. on a weekend when I stopped in at Saxby’s to enjoy a cup of coffee while connecting to the wi-fi to do some writing. As the college freshman behind the counter handed me my coffee, he asked matter-of-factly, “So, what are you doing up so early?”

My facial expression must have gone blank because he quickly added, “Well, it’s early for me anyway …”

We may not think about it often, but most of us cherish time. How we each spend it can vary radically, but time is a priceless commodity to us.

Some love to spend it sleeping, with occasional bouts of consciousness for eating and interacting. Others live their lives off three or four hours of sleep each night, wanting to be busy about living rather than “wasting” it on sleep. Still others enjoy activity punctuated with the occasional afternoon siesta.

Some treasure every moment they can get in the great outdoors, while others work in offices 16 hours a day and like it.

Some fill their time with people, others with things.

Some are alone, others would like to be, and still others are simply lonely.

Often, each of us feel like we just don’t have enough time to get done what we “need” to … or want to. And most of us have known that wiry guy or girl who appear to have “too much time on their hands.”

As valuable as time is for any of us, few of us see it as something to give to God as a gift or offering, as an expression of our love for, and devotion to, Him. We tend to spend our time on God on a Sunday morning, when it’s our “duty” to do so. We spend a little more time on God when we need something from Him (we usually call this “prayer time”). But it’s not often we think about blocking out time just to spend with God.

But just like a husband or wife wants time with a beloved spouse or their children, God wants time with us!

There are a couple ways we can have time with God.

First, is quantity of time. You don’t have to block out massive measures of time alone with God for this. You can interact with God in any setting or situation, wherever you are, whenever you want. Since God is everywhere, you can interact with Him anywhere — at home, at school, at work, in the car, or whatever you’re doing. He’s already there, so whether you include Him in what you’re doing at any given time is a choice you make.

Second, is quality time. This is when you do set aside time just to spend with God. However, you don’t have to be in a church building to do this. You don’t have to be on your knees in a darkened, quiet room with your head bowed and eyes closed. Some of the most precious times I’ve spent with the Lord have been hours talking to God as I hiked trails skirting along the coastline in the Pt. Reyes National Seashore.

Time is not something you can put into a savings account and withdraw only when you want to spend some of it. God gives each of us a certain amount of time for our lives, and every second is being spent.

Are you spending it with Him? Are you setting some aside for Him? Where does God fit into your time?
