The power of decision …

Real change doesn’t happen until we make a decision.

A decision to believe.

A decision to trust.

A decision to accept.

A decision to embrace.

A decision to try.

A decision to engage.

A decision to act.

We chart our courses, resolve our problems, and implement real change in our lives by first making a decision.

For example, if lust is a weakness of yours, how do you combat it? You’ll have to decide not to entertain it …

I made a covenant with my eyes not to look with lust at a young woman. – Job 31:1

Three frogs sat on a lilly pad. One decided to jump off. How many frogs were left?


The first frog only decided to jump off, but never took the leap. A decision is complete only when we act upon it.

Job understood that a decision is much more than a wish, it’s rooted in conviction and made real with action. To defeat lust, Job would have to decide what he would do with his eyes. Instead of leering and feeding his mind with lustful thoughts through what he observed, he “made a covenant” with his eyes that he would not look with lust at a young woman. In other words, he made a decision based on a deeply held conviction and then acted upon that decision.

Pivotal to the power of decision is making good decisions.

How many ways can you arrange 10 books on a bookshelf? Believe it or not, the possibilities are astronomical. According to As long as they are 10 different books, there are 10 ways to pick the first book, times 9 ways to pick the second book, times 8 ways to pick the third book … and so on. In other words, 10x9x8x7x6x5x4x3x2x1 = 3,628,800 possibilities!

If 10 books can be arranged 3,628,800 ways, think of the choices and possibilities our lives present! How do we sift through them all? How do we determine which paths we should pursue and which we should avoid? How can we make sure we’re making a good decision?

Your commandments give me understanding; no wonder I hate every false way of life. Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. – Psalm 119:104-105.

Are you making the decisions you need to be making in your life, or are you letting others make decisions for you? How are you making sure you’re making good decisions? What decisions do you need to make NOW to change your life?
