Your purpose for living reveals what your pursuit while living should be …

One of the greatest things the Bible provides for us is a clear understanding of the purpose for our individual existence. Pastor Rick Warren likes to describe this great biblical insight this way …

“You were created to be like Jesus. This is your destiny. From the very beginning, God’s plan was to create human beings to reflect His image. God announced his intention at Creation: ‘Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image and likeness.”‘”

Warren is right!

Our being like Christ is precisely what God wants to accomplish in our lives. Given that this is God’s great priority for each of us, then it would follow that knowing and understanding Jesus Christ is paramount for us.

As we look at the character of Christ, we see at His core that He is a Savior. It is not characteristic of Jesus to just judge or condemn; on the contrary, it is in His very nature to save. That characteristic of Christ was central to His being born into this world …

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him,” John 3:16-17.

Jesus said the following about Himself …

“For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost,” Luke 19:10.

If it is characteristic of Jesus to save, so much so that it is borne out in His mission to seek and save those who are lost, then shouldn’t that same characteristic, same passion, and same mission be fully infused into who we are as followers of Christ who are being transformed to be like Christ?

If we really are becoming more and more like Jesus, shouldn’t a great desire to see the lost saved burn in our own hearts?

If we’re being changed into the likeness of Jesus, shouldn’t we be compelled to seek out those who are lost with a great desire to share the Gospel so that they, too, can be saved?

If we’re to become like Christ our SAVIOR, shouldn’t we share the same mission of our Savior?

Would you rather complain about, judge, and condemn others to their bad decisions, mistakes, sins, and circumstances, or are you more concerned to see the lost saved? How do you share in the mission of Christ to purposely seek the lost so that they can be saved?
