Will your standard of judging others come back to bite you?

It’s said we’re quick to judge others by their actions but want those “others” to judge us by our “good intentions.”

It doesn’t work that way.

Jesus stated bluntly that if we’re going to level judgment on someone, expect to have the same measure of judgment used for you!

“Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged,” Matthew 7:1-2.

We let this concept of judgment and justice bounce around in our brains a little, but what does it really look like? Something like this story (author is unknown) …

    There is an old story about two neighbors, a baker and a farmer. The baker began to be suspicious of the farmer, wondering if he wasn’t getting his money’s worth when he paid for a pound of butter. He weighed the farmer’s butter on several occasions, and the butter consistently weighed less than a full pound. Enraged, he had him arrested for fraud.

    The judge asked the farmer at the trial, “I presume you have scales?”

    “Yes, of course, Your Honor,” the farmer replied.

    “And I presume you use standard weights to measure your goods?” the judge asked.

    “Yes, generally,” said the farmer. “But I don’t use them when serving the baker,” replied the farmer.

    “Then how do you hope to weigh accurately the butter you sell to your neighbor?” the judge asked.

    “That’s easy,” the farmer said. “When the baker began to buy butter from me, I decided to buy my bread from him. I’ve been using his one-pound loaves to balance my scales when I portion out his butter.

Nothing could be fairer than to be judged the way we judge others! What does that look like for you?
