Your life doesn’t have to be broken …

One of the greatest rewards of having had the privilege of counseling people for decades is not only seeing broken lives fixed, but delivering the message — with great confidence and faith — that no one has to live a broken life.

I can share that message with anyone, regardless of how shattered their lives may be, because I know that God heals and that He wants to mend lives, and I know the kind of help that is available to people who really want to change their lives.

God can and will transform your life if you will surrender to Him.

Your self, your marriage, your relationships, your work, all can be changed for the better, and for God’s glory, if you’re willing to do the work that change requires.

So why don’t more people pursue this healing from brokenness?

A few reasons.

First, some are unwilling to submit to God. They would be happy to engage God if He followed orders and just made the specific changes desired. But God doesn’t work that way. God transforms the lives of those who are willing to die to self and fully surrender their lives to Him. The change from the transformation He performs will be what He wants for you, for His glory, and also your best interest. That may or may not meet your desires – and so, some people are unwilling to yield to God and choose to remain broken.

Others aren’t willing to do the work involved in fixing their broken lives. God demands our participation, He’s not going to live our lives for us. There are changes in our thinking, feelings, and behaviors we have to change. God will enable us to carry out those changes, but we have to do the work of making them. That’s why we read often in the New Testament of exhortations to “cast off” this and that, and put on something else. That is work — action — we must choose to do, and carry through with. Many people aren’t willing to do this.

If you’re not willing to yield your life in its entirety to God, and to be responsible for doing the work you need to do, then your life will remain broken. But if you’re willing to die to self, surrender to God, and do the work you must do, your life does not have to remain broken.

What have you chosen for yourself — wholeness or unhealed brokenness?

A final note: A minister or mature Christian, and a competent, skilled Christian therapist are people who can help you understand how to accomplish these two steps of surrendering your life to God and doing the work you need to do for change. Do not hesitate to get any help you need to change your life, act on it today!
