Seven steps to creating and achieving lasting change …

We’ve all known someone who has boasted for long periods of time that they’re going to make a particular change. We even saw them make some attempts, and witnessed flashes of what looked like change.

But it didn’t last.

And chances are, at some time in your life, you’ve done the same thing.

I’ve written a lot about what real and lasting change involves. Depending on the person and their overall circumstances, change can be complex and complicated, or it can be simple and easy, or some combination between those two extremes.

But for most of us, there are seven steps we can take to start, and finally achieve, change that actually lasts. Those steps are:

1. It starts with an IDEA. Whether fostered with thoughtfulness, mindfulness, prayer, a prompting from scripture or the Holy Spirit, a tiny sliver of an idea pops into your head.

2. That idea triggers a THOUGHT. You begin to flesh out the kernel of an idea with additional thinking.

3. Your thoughts trigger FEELINGS. Now you’re not only thinking about the idea, you’re beginning to respond to it emotionally.

4. The combination of your thoughts and feelings motivate you to craft a PLAN. What will it take to turn your idea into reality?

5. A successful plan will require HABITS. You may need to ditch some old habits that would inhibit your carrying out your plan, and you likely will need to develop some new habits so that your plan can become — and remain — your new reality.

6. Habits require COMMITMENT. Many people have had an idea they liked, thought it through, felt good about it, crafted a plan, and even launched their plan with action … and then it failed because they didn’t have the commitment to maintain the habits necessary for change to either become or remain their new reality.

7. Commitment creates a LIFESTYLE. To create and achieve change that lasts, you have to be committed to the necessary habits so that they become a permanent lifestyle.

If you really want to change, and want that change to last, try working through these seven steps. You will likely like the outcome!
