Just how much prayer and Bible study each day does a Christian need?

Many people who profess to be Christians think of the spiritual disciplines of prayer and Bible reading/study as duties or chores — something a Christian is “supposed” to do.

Well, yes, Christians are “supposed” to pray and read/study their Bibles, but why they’re supposed to is of paramount importance. We gain understanding by looking afresh at what prayer and Bible reading are:

Prayer is talking directly to God.

Bible reading/study is listening to God, as God most reveals Himself to us through scripture.

The combination of prayer and Bible reading/study are the key components of our directly communicating with God, and communication is central to intimacy (or closeness, connectedness) in any relationship.

So, then, just how much prayer and Bible study each day does a Christian need?

Perhaps the best answer to that question is found by asking another question: Just how intimate of a relationship with God do you want?
