So many answers, so little application …

It seems like a persistent message we hear is about how humanity is searching for answers on a host of issues.

Humanity’s problem isn’t a lack of answers to it’s ills. In fact, the opposite is true — we have numerous “answers” for life’s various issues, but so little application of the answers.

We want and need good mental and emotional health. Therapists can educate and equip people in how to think rationally, make better decisions, and how to think, regulate emotions, and behave in a way that produces good mental health, but that’s of no use if people don’t apply what they’re taught.

We want effective communication with others so our relationships can thrive, and people can be equipped with the most effective communication skills known to humankind, but those skills are of no benefit if not applied.

We have great knowledge about how to be physically fit, but that knowledge is useless if not applied.

There have been spectacular advances in medicine to improve anyone’s physical health, but if we don’t practice what the science of health has revealed, then its wisdom is of no benefit.

We can know how to be reconciled to God and thrive in the rich and abundant life Jesus said He wants to provide us, but this truth doesn’t do us any good if we don’t apply it to our lives.

We have an abundance of answers for how to live well mentally, emotionally, physically, socially, and spiritually, but vast numbers of people routinely reject those answers for irrational reasons …

We reject methods for maintaining good mental health because we don’t want to do the work required.

We allow ourselves to be unfit and fat — even obese — because we want to be indulgent, or lazy; we want to eat according to our desires and don’t want to practice the self-discipline of physical exercise.

We want the safety of salvation while indulging sinful desires and worshiping anything other than the God who created all things.

There are answers to our issues, we just fail to apply them to our lives.

I’m not saying there’s an answer that will change every challenging circumstance; but in those cases, there are answers for how to endure and overcome difficult circumstances.

If you want good mental health, there’s a pathway to that.

If you want physical fitness, there’s a pathway to that.

if you want loving, thriving relationships, there’s a pathway to that.

If you want physical health, there’s a pathway to that.

If you want spiritual health — life, salvation, transformation, adoption into God’s family — there’ a pathway to that.

Lots of answers!

But you MUST apply them.

So what’s happening in YOUR life? Are you pining for different circumstances while rejecting real answers? Or are you working in cooperation with the Holy Spirit to apply truth to your life so that you can benefit by the real answers truth provides?
