5 things you can do to rekindle romance in your relationship …

I like “little Johnny” stories.

One of those stories telling of the infamous acts of “little Johnny” is how once, when Johnny was in his Sunday school class, the teacher was explaining how God created everything, including human beings. Little Johnny seemed especially intent when they told him how Eve was created out of one of Adam’s ribs. Later in the week his mother noticed him lying down as though he were ill, and asked, “Johnny, what’s the matter?”

Johnny said, “I don’t feel well, I think I’m having a wife.”

Initially, the pursuit of “having a wife” is often a wonderful experience of romance. Unfortunately, as with little Johnny, all too soon having a wife (or husband) somehow slips from enrapturing romance to something more like a pain in the side.

It shouldn’t be that way. And the good news is, it doesn’t have to be that way.

But, if you’ve discovered some of that experience of romance between you and your spouse has waned, you can fan the flames of romantic love. Here are just five things you can do to help rekindle romance in your marriage relationship:

Make time for each other. When first pursuing your spouse, often the great emotion that drove the nurturing of the start of your relationship was a great desire simply to be with each other. You can help rekindle the romance in your marriage by renewing the priority your spouse has in your life, and demonstrating that by consistently making time for quality time with them. Dedicate intentional time for each other, whether through date nights, weekend getaways, or simply enjoying each other’s company.

Put love into action. Don’t just say, “Love ya,” demonstrate love through acts of kindness and service, such as helping with household chores or surprising each other with thoughtful gestures.

But don’t forget to say it, also. Foster open and honest communication with vulnerability, expressing feelings, desires, and concerns while actively listening to your partner. With that, consistently and clearly state your love for your partner. The longer couples are married, the more some rationalize, “They know I love them.” That might be true, but never stop telling them!

Rediscover intimacy. Prioritize physical intimacy within the framework of Christian values, focusing on mutual respect, love, and understanding. Sex within marriage is a powerful bonding experience that also communicates love for, and delight with, one another that words cannot.

Nurture greater spiritual intimacy. You can strengthen your marital bond and intimacy in your marriage through praying together, studying and exploring the Bible together, worshiping God together, being active in your local church family together, and being ambassadors for Christ together. You deepen your marital intimacy when you share with your spouse the love and devotion you have for God, the only one you love more than your husband or wife.
