When the crumbs are gone …

When there are crumbs on your table, do you even pay attention to them?

Most of us pay no attention to crumbs because we don’t give a moment’s thought that they might have value. Joe Ballard thinks they do …

“Crumbs are something we leave for the busboy at the restaurant to worry about. They are small pieces of evidence that someone has enjoyed a meal. However, God’s word offers us crumbs as well.”

For example, a woman came to the Lord for healing for her daughter, “Jesus responded, ‘It isn’t right to take food from the children and throw it to the dogs’” (Matthew 15:26). But what she said in response to Him is the attitude Jesus looks for in each of us: “She replied, ‘That’s true, Lord, but even dogs are allowed to eat the scraps that fall beneath their masters’ table’” (Matthew 15:27.

Ballard comments, “As far as Jesus was concerned, this Gentile woman expressed great faith because she understood the power of just a little crumb when that crumb comes from God’s table … from God’s Word. She knew that just a crumb from Jesus could make all of the difference.”

In the case of this woman and her daughter, a crumb of faith did make all the difference: “‘Dear woman,’ Jesus said to her, ‘your faith is great. Your request is granted.’ And her daughter was instantly healed” (Matthew 15:28).

We at Scott Free Clinic also understand the power of crumbs. We’ve never had the funds necessary to fully launch this ministry, so we launched anyway(!), trusting God to do great things in the lives of the people He brought to us to serve and eventually provide fully for the needs of this international ministry. From the crumbs of resources we had to function with, God has blessed our faith in Him with the fruit of thousands of saved/changed lives! In addition, our consulting service has helped to improve ministries and support pastors.

The challenge for this ministry now is that, nearly 10 years later, we’re still operating off of crumbs. While we’re deeply grateful for even the smallest crumb, as these crumbs are just enough to keep us operational, they’re also severely limiting. The crumbs have been so few at times that we once had to turn off our phone for a month; or a little extra crumbs finally allowed us to open an office last year, but not one big enough to have clients meet in!

Simply put, we need a little more than the sparsest of crumbs to even begin to meet the needs of people coming to us.

You can make a difference, even with your crumbs!

A donation TODAY of any amount, or possibly becoming a regular Care Partner with Scott Free Clinic, can help us continue to minister to people in need, and eventually move past a few crumbs to meet the needs of an international ministry. We never ask people to redirect any of their giving from their church, missions, or church planting, but rather to give to this ministry what they can spare, whether that is a little or a lot. Information about how to make a donation to this ministry, or to become a regular Care Partner with us, can be found on our website here. Scott Free Clinic is a Christian parachurch ministry that is recognized by the IRS as a public charity, so all donations are tax deductible.

Thank you in advance for whatever you can do for this ministry. Even the “crumbs” from YOUR “table” can be a great help!

In His Service,

Dr. James Scott, Jr.
Founder & President,
Scott Free Clinic