10 reasons for becoming a Care Partner with Scott Free Clinic …

Whether you’ve been following the work of the international ministry of Scott Free Clinic for a few years, or are just learning about us, you’ve likely seen our appeals for support and may have asked, “Why should I become a Care Partner?”

Let me give you 10 reasons to consider:

1. God is consistently using this ministry as a tool in His hands to produce the fruit of changed lives. Other than our sincere desire to glorify God, there’s no greater “bottom line” than the fact that lives ARE being changed — thousands of them so far.

2. SFC has a proven ministry model. Not only have we demonstrated that what we do works, but even while being grossly under-resourced and only partially launched, our model of ministry has been highly effective (other than raising funds to support operation, that’s the only thing not working for us!).

3. We remove barriers so people can get critically needed help. Most people who need counseling don’t get the help they need because they can’t afford it. We completely remove that barrier so anyone can get the help they need.

4. We’re serving an overwhelming need not being adequately ministered to. Other than cost, a top reason why people don’t get the counseling help they need is STIGMA. People are afraid of the affects of being stigmatized if they got help for mental illness or mental health issues. We don’t like to talk about mental illness, we don’t do much about it, and we’ve historically never really supported it financially. ALL OF THIS needs to change, and we’re doing what we can to lead changes and directly make a difference.

5. We’re as local to YOU as YOUR next door neighbor. Not only do we obliterate the barrier of cost for services, with the use of technology we can largely remove the barrier of access as well. As long as someone can get online using a computer or even a smartphone, we can minister to them wherever they are. That’s how we’ve served people all across the country and in different parts of the world. So whether you live in Hoboken, New Jersey, Los Angeles, Honolulu, Cedar Rapids, Paris, Texas or Paris, France, if you can access the internet then we really are as local to you as your next door neighbor!

6. Able to provide a holistic approach with a range of specialties. With the ability to provide counseling, fitness consulting, and the fact we’re a Christian ministry, we’re able to minister to people with a holistic approach (body, mind, spirit). We’re also able to bring expertise in other specialties such as offering the internationally-acclaimed, award-winning Couple Communication I training program, “Pastor Care” for vocational and bi-vocational ministers, brain health coaching drawing from the pioneering work of Dr. Daniel Amen and Amen Clinics (I’m a certified Amen Clinics Brain Health Professional), and FREE consulting services to churches and organizations.

7. We don’t have any profit motive. Scott Free Clinic is a parachurch ministry that is a non-profit organization. How we deliver services is never impeded by any need or desire to make a profit as we’re a non-profit organization, something which wholly benefits those we serve.

8. A valuable partner to the church. Any minister can give their congregants, or anyone in their community, our email address and/or website URL and, with the use of technology, we’ll be available to minister to them. In effect, it’s like any church being able to have their own counseling ministry by partnering with SFC to connect people to this ministry for help. By the way, anyone can refer anyone to this ministry for help, not just church leaders or churches — we minister to anyone, anywhere.

9. You give what you want/can, when you want, and it’s all tax deductible. If you decide to become a Care Partner with Scott Free Clinic, you decide:

    • When you will donate, whether it’s monthly, quarterly, bi-annually, annually, or any other option that works for you.
    • How much you give. Scott Free Clinic has never asked for people to take from their giving to their local church, missions, or church planting (and we never will), but beyond that to “share what they can spare.” Whether it’s $10 or $1,000, any amount makes a difference.
    • A benefit for you for your giving is that Scott Free Clinic is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) public charity, so all donations are tax deductible.

10. We can’t do it without you. In order to be able to remove the barriers of cost and access to help people get the help they need to change their lives, we have to build a foundation of Care Partners — men, women, boys, girls, families, churches, businesses — ANYONE who has captured the vision of this ministry and wants to help us change lives by providing the financial support needed to minister to people all across the country and around the world. We simply cannot do this without you!

If you would like to become a Care Partner, or make a donation, we encourage you to start TODAY! Learn how you can donate from our website by clicking here. As partners in caring, let’s change lives together!

In His Service,

Dr. James Scott, Jr.
Founder & President,
Scott Free Clinic