Why does Scott Free Clinic insist on practicing a “free clinic” ministry model?

Over the years Scott Free Clinic has been operating, only a couple people have asked me why we insist on operating from a “free clinic” model.

Probably several more wondered but never asked. A handful have suggested we should charge fees.

So, let me finally answer the question!

There are a few key reasons why Scott Free Clinic currently is, and always will be, a “free clinic” ministry:

Because we’re a parachurch ministry, not a counseling practice.
If you’re simply looking for a counselor (Christian or secular) to provide you with counseling, there are several hundred thousand in America alone that you can hire. But Scott Free Clinic is much more than a counseling practice, we’re a parachurch ministry with a broader mandate than just providing biblically-sound, clinically-excellent Christian counseling. Key is that we are a ministry, and just like you don’t pay your pastor a fee for spiritual counseling, or a Bible study teacher a fee for participating in a class or group, we don’t have fees for what is genuinely Christian ministry.

Because the majority of people who need clinical counseling can’t afford it.
I have shared many times that the top three reasons why people needing clinical counseling don’t get the help they need is due to: 1) Stigma, 2) Because they can’t afford the services, and 3) Lack of access to competent, quality services. Scott Free Clinic eliminates two of these barriers while doing all we can to fight stigma people attach to mental health issues and mental illness.

Because profit isn’t our motive, changed lives are.
I don’t knock any counselor who charges for their services, they deserve to be paid for what they do … providing a service as a business. And make no mistake about it, mental health is a lucrative business. Yes, many counselors care about the best interests and well-being of their clients, just like many doctors care about their patients. But just like many doctors go into the practice of medicine in order to “make a good living” (above average salary), that also drives many mental health professionals. You might be surprised at how many counselors are at least tempted to keep their clients coming for counseling sessions in order to keep their counseling fees coming as well. Scott Free Clinic has zero profit motive, we are entirely focused on helping people change their lives as needed.

Because cost often inhibits counseling outcomes.
I have practiced as a for-profit Christian counselor before, and what I witnessed over and over again is how clients will often cut short the counseling they need in order to end the cost of counseling. I had one client whose husband was a wealthy businessman, and he was constantly haranguing her about when she was going to finish “going to a counselor” — not because he couldn’t easily afford the reduced cost I was charging, but because he didn’t want to spend money on counseling. But many others struggle to be able to pay even reduced or “sliding scale” fees. The cost for counseling must cover all costs of the practice, from office leases and insurance, to salaries, office supplies, and every thing it takes to run a counseling business. Most clients need to see a counselor once per week — at a reduced fee of $100 per session, that’s $400 per month – the average American can’t afford that. Highly educated, trained, experienced, and competent therapists need and will charge about $300-$350 per session (at least), costing the client $1,200 or more every month. So clients will routinely cut short the counseling they need to stop the costs. Insurance companies who have some mental health coverage usually don’t cover all the cost, or limit number of sessions, or have “hoops” therapists must jump through that erode the quality of services. When you remove the issue of cost, both client and counselor can be entirely focused on doing what it takes to help the person change their lives. That usually will mean a few months of weekly counseling.

THE NUMBER ONE REASON why Scott Free Clinic is a “free clinic” ministry is this:

Because it’s the vision for ministry God gave us.
In addition to all the items above, for this reason alone we will continue to be obedient to the vision of ministry God gave us rather than trying to tweak it to something we or others might think we should do. We will only be and do what God would have us be and do, knowing that will bring Him glory.

So how do we survive? We’ve barely survived over the more than seven years we have operated. We have never once sought or “marketed” for people to serve, God has always provided an unending stream of people, pastors, and churches needing our services (in fact, usually more than we can serve, and last year a skyrocketing demand for services). Since we first launched, we’ve had to operate at a minimal level and be very creative and innovative in finding ways to deliver services because we have always been grossly under-supported.

OUR VISION is to build a foundation of “Care Partners” — men, women, couples, families, churches, business people and businesses, etc. anyone who captures our vision and mission for ministry, and because of that, choose to support this ministry financially whether that’s with donations every month, or by giving quarterly, bi-annually, annually … whenever they want, and whatever they can spare (the “whatever they can spare” point is important, as we’ve never asked anyone to take away from their faithful giving to their local church, missions, or church planting, but to give what they can spare). We believe we will, in God’s timing and God’s way, eventually be able to build this foundation of Care Partners, and perhaps with some major (large) gifts from people who can give more, be able to fully launch this ministry and operate every month at full capacity.

A final word … so how have we survived? Primarily by a combination of faith in God and a commitment to prayer (prayer is foundational to everything we do at Scott Free Clinic), and that has brought us a handful of people over the years who have been generous to us, even if their gifts were very small (most were). But our faith is in God, and our invitation is extended to all who would like to come alongside us and help us be able to provide critically needed services that help people change their lives. if you would like to make a donation to this ministry, or possibly become a regular Care Partner with us, you can do so here.

In His Service,

Dr. James Scott, Jr.
Founder & President,
Scott Free Clinic